new you keto massaging d side angle pose
new you keto massaging d side angle pose bringing your right bicep to the side of your ear getting the nice stretch in your going to pump your knee to meet your elbow okay so start on the right yeah really squeeze I'm gonna take it to a twist back to side to side oh yeah it's okay if you fall down just okay if you make a mistake just laugh and have fun no pressure you just want to enjoy ourselves moving our bodies and working out those muscles alright we're going to twist it one more time ah yeah don't give up alright coming back to Center nice work girl whoo I'm feeling good feeling good we need to take it another knot chub you're gonna start to run in place once you get those knees really high okay all right pick it up whoa getting those
hip flexors working keep new you keto diet pulling your belly in lifting up to your chest 5 4 3 2 1 Oh whoo all right doing so good all right keeping your feet nice and wide we're gonna do a little hip roll right to left it was like making a big scene with your bum you're gonna circle around from right to left okay we're gonna pop it with the rhythm right and left right and left to let your booty roll out pull your belly in so your core is strong yeah you got it all right back to Center we're gonna work through that little sequence one more time with our knees to the tie running in place and making a big C with